Turf grasses grow in a slightly different environment to other plants. They grow closely together so must compete with one another for water and nutrients, they are frequently mowed, and they are often walked upon by people and animals as well as compacted under machinery. As such, turf repair and restoration requires a different skill set and knowledge base to other plant maintenance.

Turf will deteriorate if it is not monitored, maintained and repaired.

How to Repair Compacted Turf

Traffic causes compaction. The more vehicles used on the sports turf, the more damage will result. Tracts that are continually walked over eventually develop compacted soil. This will influence the frequency of maintenance required. Deposits of organic matter can build an impermeable layer on the surface. Thatch, if not removed, may result in increased diseases or may hinder water movement into the root zone of the turf grasses. Root growth of some species can also cause a thatch build up.
When compaction or thatch build-up has reached a point where it makes a soil relatively impermeable or poorly drained, cultivation will be needed.
Cultivation can be undertaken manually or by machine. Machines are used on the majority of sports-turf facilities due to the size of the area to be maintained. The following are just some techniques that may be used:
  • Coring: Soil and turf are extracted as a clean core, in the same way an apple corer extracts the core of an apple. This is done using a machine with hollow tines, somewhat like small pieces of pipe with a sharpened end, or spoons which scoop out a core of soil.
  • Drilling: Soil, and some turf plant material, is extracted by a drill being rotated into the surface of the turf. Drilling is generally to a deeper level than that of a coring machine.
  • Grooving: Cuts vertical slits in the turf by a rotating knife apparatus. It is best done on dry soils. It is commonly used for dethatching and over-seeding purposes.
  • Slicing: A flat blade which may be a disc or a blade like a mower blade slices the ground. This method does not tend to bring soil to the surface as with coring or drilling, but it does break the surface improving the infiltration of water and nutrients
  • Spiking: Solid tines or spikes puncture the surface. Spiking is used to break the surface helping water and fertiliser to penetrate whilst causing minimal disturbance to the surface. Spiking can create some compaction around the sides of the holes as the spike pushes into the soil. In this way, it is not as effective as coring or drilling. .
  • Forking: Manual spiking, pushing a fork into the ground and moving it from side to side can alleviate compaction. This is usually only practical for small areas.
  • Raking: Usually, instruments with metal tines are used to remove thatch, to loosen topsoil for preparation of over-sowing, and spreading seed.
  • Air blast: This is pumping a burst of air into the soil which causes the soil surface to rise. The soil will of course quickly subside, but not all the way. The net result is a reduction of soil compaction and an increase in aeration.
  • Vertical Mowing: Blades cut into dense thatch, removing some of the bulk of both live and dead turf plant material. The knives may be set to cut lower or higher, as required.

CREDIT : https://www.hortcourses.com/courses/turf-repair-and-renovation--614.aspx


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