How to Prune your Knock Out and Drift Roses
How to Prune your Knock Out and Drift Roses Roses can be intimidating for many gardeners. After all, roses, in their seemingly infinite variety, attract the most ardent flowering plant enthusiasts, bolstered by an enormous body of literature full of detailed advice about how to best grow and care for these ancient and treasured blooms. The truth, though, is that roses are tough customers that can stand up to a good pruning and even tolerate mistakes more readily than many other plants. There are several types of roses to choose from, each blooming slightly differently: Floribunda – bloom best on new wood Grandiflora – only bloom on new wood Hybrid Tea – only bloom on new wood Modern Shrub Rose – repeat bloomers through the growing season Climbers – can be repeat bloomers (not all) Ramblers – only bloom once a year Why bother pruning? Because pruning is vital for plant health. Pruning helps protect against diseases and encourages continued blooming for the types of roses that will...